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Santa Cruz, CA / Laid Back

Nikon D70
1/1000s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 05-Feb-2007 00:38
And the dvvil in details shows up on his board and in the water. A great shot, even if I'm a tad late.
Guest 15-Oct-2005 18:58
Incredible crispness that it's almost unbelievable 8-0 The lightning frozen spray,smoky waves and stunning pose create a fabulous shot! Very well done :-)!
Graham Tomlin18-Sep-2005 08:04
very good ,works well in b/white
Guest 18-Sep-2005 07:23
Wow!!!!!! What an action shot! V.
Guest 11-Sep-2005 22:07
This one's really sweet! And again, really like it in mono. Brilliant stop action of water and surfer, and love the bit of reflection. Awesome, Bhai! :)
Guest 11-Sep-2005 18:29
Really well done. I like the water in motion, the movement of arms too!
Roe..11-Sep-2005 02:38
wow.. I love this looks like ballet on water..v