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Zak | all galleries >> Daily Bute >> Daily Bute 2005 >> October 2005 > 22nd October
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22nd October

this is the latest i've ever stuck my PaD up... tsk!

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z2
1/200s f/6.3 at 11.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sheena Woodhead24-Oct-2005 19:11
A beautiful set of photographs. Love the lighting and the reflections.
viljamix23-Oct-2005 07:55
Nice reflection, the last one's my favourite.
Johnny JAG23-Oct-2005 07:44
Like them all, especially the ones with sun on the hills. We haven't been troubled by the sun much lately, blink and you've missed it.
Yvonne23-Oct-2005 03:11
Wow - what a magical place!
Herb 23-Oct-2005 02:15
Ach, these are lovely picturrrres
Robin Reid23-Oct-2005 01:44
The lochness. All are excellent.
Coleen Perilloux Landry23-Oct-2005 01:07
It's difficult to choose the best. I like the first one because of the hills color and the reflection.
northstar3722-Oct-2005 23:15
Al Chesworth22-Oct-2005 22:55
Zak these four landscapes are superb, each one with it's own character.
laine8222-Oct-2005 22:07
actually I mean the fourth one...last one. ( the second was a red x until I added my comment & I missed seeing it )
laine8222-Oct-2005 22:06
Great set of shots Zak. The third one with the best composition I believe.
Jackdad22-Oct-2005 22:05
Looks like you had better weather today than I did! Nice autumn colours.
Sharon Rogers22-Oct-2005 21:45
Very nice reflections, that hill makes the cottages look weeny.
Guest 22-Oct-2005 21:33
ooo late enough for me to be the first? Nice colours, cool reflection
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