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Yvonne | all galleries >> E t c e t e r a >> The Morning Walk in May 2007 > Vine leaves blowing in the wind
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13-MAY-2007 Yvonne

Vine leaves blowing in the wind

The vine is on the western side of our house and doesn't get as much sunlight in the morning. Just little ray of sunlight caught this leaf as the cane blew from side to side - it took a few shots to actually catch it with the camera.

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Jackdad17-May-2007 03:27
spectacular colour!
Liz Bickel14-May-2007 08:04
Very nice use of light.
Gerard Koehl13-May-2007 07:20
Magnifique composition et couleurs. V
Eric Carrère13-May-2007 06:50
Wonderful work Von, V.
laine8213-May-2007 06:14
Looks like it's on fire...Happy Mother's Day, Von.
QUERIDO13-May-2007 05:24
Beautiful shot,vote
Gayle P. Clement13-May-2007 02:08
Wonderful light and color, Yvonne. V
Sheila13-May-2007 01:46
Very beautiful!
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