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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yosemite National Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yosemite National Park

We made a brief trip to Yosemite National Park in late June, to meet our son. There were wildfires burning all around the park. There was heavy smoke in parts of the valley.
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Merced River with granite structures behind
Merced River with granite structures behind
Bridelveil Falls
Bridelveil Falls
Lollie the mountain goat
Lollie the "mountain goat"
Bill next to the Merced River
Bill next to the Merced River
Beautiful stream
Beautiful stream
The meadow
The meadow
Meadow with old tree
Meadow with old tree
A tiny falls
A tiny falls
Bill relaxing at the Awahnee Hotel
Bill relaxing at the Awahnee Hotel
Covered bridge
Covered bridge
Part of the historic village
Part of the historic village
A burned grove, note all of the smoke
A burned grove, note all of the smoke
Family tourist shot
Family tourist shot
The backside of Yosemeite
The backside of Yosemeite
Yosemite backcountry
Yosemite backcountry
Sturdy tree in a fight for life
Sturdy tree in a fight for life
Rock formation
Rock formation
Toualame Meadows
Toualame Meadows
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