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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The State of Jefferson tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The State of Jefferson

From Redding, California, Scott Valley California, the traditional towns of the western Cascades(Shingletown, Igo, etc) to the Rogue Valley, the Illinois Valley, Klamath County and through the Cascades in southern Oregon have many climates. Along Cascades Mountains lies the State of Jefferson. At one time, the people from this area wanted to break away and form their own state. It never happened, but the folks from this area still have different needs and ways of looking at things then up in Portland or down in San Francisco. People here are ranchers, farmers, lumberjacks, forest rangers and environmentalists as well as every other type of job you might find in a big city. We also have several local tribes with their proud traditions. Here are some views of our area.
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A Gate to Somewhere
A Gate to Somewhere
One of my favorite things about this area, is the abundance of wildflowers in the early summer. This summer has been hot, so many are gone by now (July).
Ft Klamath Summer

One of my favorite things about this area, is the abundance of wildflowers in the early summer. This summer has been hot, so many are gone by now (July).

These cattle graze all around this abandoned home.
Abandoned Ranch House

These cattle graze all around this abandoned home.

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