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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Blue Ridge Parkway & Great Smoky Mts tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Blue Ridge Parkway & Great Smoky Mts

We took a trip through the Blue Ridge Parkway that lasted for several days. The wildlife was amazing. There were butterflies everywhere. Deer were frequently seen along the way. It was an interesting way to go back through our pioneer history and see the way our ancestors made their livelihood.
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Pioneer garden
Pioneer garden
One room school house
One room school house
Settlers Museum of southwest Virginia
Settlers Museum of southwest Virginia
Sunset in Tennessee
Sunset in Tennessee
The summer kitchen and table along the creek
The summer kitchen and table along the creek
The family cabin
The family cabin
Ranger teaching traditional appalachian crafts
Ranger teaching traditional appalachian crafts
Old log structure for animals
Old log structure for animals
summer dining room by the creek
summer dining room by the creek
Rangers passing on the arts
Rangers passing on the arts
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