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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> June Landscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

June Landscapes

This month's picture of the day's theme is landscape, preferably urban. Mine will probably be more land then urban, since we are a rural area.
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13. Pink Car at Bagel Shop
13. Pink Car at Bagel Shop
 Crater Lake Land and Water Scape
Crater Lake Land and Water Scape
11. The Veterans Rehabilitation Center
11. The Veterans Rehabilitation Center
10. Third Thursday Demonstration
10. Third Thursday Demonstration
9. The Marina at Klamath Lake
9. The Marina at Klamath Lake
8. Downtown Plaza
8. Downtown Plaza
7. A Happy Building
7. A Happy Building
6. New friends
6. New friends
5. Opening of the Farmer's Market
5. Opening of the Farmer's Market
4. Downtown
4. Downtown
3. City Park at Sunset
3. City Park at Sunset
2. Ryan & Christine's Pond
2. Ryan & Christine's Pond
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