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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Idaho Scenic Byways > Camas Prarie View
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Camas Prarie View

Nikon Coolpix L1
1/203s f/3.9 at 15.9mm iso50 full exif

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Yiannis Pavlis05-Nov-2007 04:19
Details colours and light are captured and presented beautifully.
chrystine Denney 28-Sep-2006 03:49
Dear Kerry,

my husband and I have just driven down the west side of Idaho and were absolutely in awe of the beautiful scenery of the rolling hills which had just had the wheat cut from them.
Do you have any photos that capture this and what price would they be please. I return to Sydney Australia this week.
Chrystine Denney
Wei O'Connell12-Jul-2006 01:56
Wow, beautiful.
Torben Jorgensen10-Jul-2006 10:35
Fantastic view.
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