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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Crater Lake National Park Views (UPDATED 6/10) > Crater Lake Beauty
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29-APR-2006 Kerry Tingley

Crater Lake Beauty

Crater Lake National Park, OR

Most of the rim is still snowed in, but we did get a few pics on our day trip here today. What a beautiful day!

Nikon Coolpix L1
1/861s f/4.9 at 6.3mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 02-Feb-2009 00:48
remarkeble view nice capture v
Patrick Allender01-Feb-2009 04:53
A classic view Kerry. I would love to see it in the winter.
Graham Tomlin30-Apr-2006 09:24
very nice regards helen
Guest 30-Apr-2006 06:31
Agreed. Breathtaking and I like how you included the trees in the foreground to provide some perspective. Nice work.
Enrique30-Apr-2006 06:16
A real beauty - you captured it well.
Guest 30-Apr-2006 06:15
Spectacular vista, thanks for sharing. Vote
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