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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Roadtrip from South Carolina to Maryland. > Old timey display
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05-OCT-2003 Kerry Tingley

Old timey display

Smithfield, North Carolina

More Cracker Barrel "antiques". They make displays as if in an old-time general store. The restaurants are also decorated with real antique items and photos and serve traditional "comfort" foods.

Nikon Coolpix 4500
1/60s f/2.6 at 8.4mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Patrick Allender22-Nov-2008 15:57
I remember Charles Chips as well. It seems to me, there was a Charles Chips truck that delivered cans of chips and pretzels to our house on a regular basis when I was a kid.
Bob Pelkey10-Apr-2008 00:16
I remember the Charles Chips in the unique can pictured here.
I've been to several different locations of Cracker Barrel that offer
unique things such as this. Good food and surroundings.
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