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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Roadtrip from South Carolina to Maryland. > Beginning of a beautiful day!
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03-OCT-2003 Kerry Tingley

Beginning of a beautiful day!

Myrtle Beach, SC

Sunrise on Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Nikon Coolpix 4500
1/688s f/9.7 at 15.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Julie Tremblay28-Feb-2011 10:44
Stunning! V.
Jean D21-Jan-2009 02:48
Beautiful with superb golden hour colors, Kerry! ~V~
Yiannis Pavlis28-Jan-2008 15:28
An extraordinary animal picture with fabulous details .
Guest 07-Nov-2007 15:31
Splendid sunset. Bravo. V.
Wei O'Connell15-May-2006 04:03
Excellent shot. Well done.
Guest 25-Oct-2005 03:47
Kerry, you take such amazing photos. They really make me feel like I'm right there in the middle of it all. Love them all and can't wait for your next adventure so I can enjoy the photos. Nice work.
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