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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> A few of my favorites from all of my galleries > The wedding of Bernice and Ed
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03-OCT-2003 Kerry Tingley

The wedding of Bernice and Ed

Myrtle Beach, SC

The newlyweds on the beach after the ceremony. This wedding was so fun. My step-mother's friend for over 20 years got married right on the beach. What a special wedding for two folks in love later in life!

Nikon Coolpix 4500
1/402s f/8.0 at 9.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 29-Apr-2008 03:14
Hello Kerry. Wonderful shot of my home town. Beautiful to see a couple like this so in love. Great capture with the bare feet. Thanks so much for sharing. This picture is special. Vote :)
Guest 20-Mar-2006 09:52
Great shot! DD
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