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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> October Elements of Art > 8. Texture
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01-OCT-2011 Kerry Tingley

8. Texture

Midland, Oregon

An old shed out on Miller Island Refuge

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ35
1/320s f/5.6 at 4.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Carl Carbone15-Oct-2011 00:02
Nicely seen!
Cindi Smith13-Oct-2011 01:39
I like...lots of stuff around where I live like that. Makes a great shot and also cool for lines!
LynnH11-Oct-2011 16:17
Great details!! I like it!
Guest 11-Oct-2011 13:23
A simple, but yet very compelling shot .
Janice Dunn11-Oct-2011 09:04
Good show for texture Kerry
carol j. phipps11-Oct-2011 01:45
Works the the challenge.
Guest 10-Oct-2011 22:46
Nice pattern and texture Kerry! ! V
franz10-Oct-2011 19:42
Super détail! love it. bv Kerry
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