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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> 2011_photos_as_i_m_able >> July Black and White Buildings > 10. Trinity Episcopal Church, Bend
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09-JUL-2011 Kerry Tingley

10. Trinity Episcopal Church, Bend

Bend, Oregon

A Gothic Revival style building on the historic registry of buildings in Bend, Oregon.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G2
1/160s f/4.5 at 14.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
franz11-Jul-2011 19:26
Et c'est le bedot qui sonnent les cloches. bv Kerry!
J. Scott Coile11-Jul-2011 18:20
What a lovely anchoring to the site.
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jul-2011 14:47
Nice perspective of this interesting looking church.
Yvonne11-Jul-2011 11:28
A lovely looking little church in a pretty setting.
Stephanie11-Jul-2011 10:05
This is such a pretty and welcoming church! :)
Mieke WA Minkjan11-Jul-2011 07:57
nicely composed
Guest 11-Jul-2011 04:48
Very nice.
Guest 11-Jul-2011 02:12
Lovely small church Kerry!! Nice tones!
Cindi Smith11-Jul-2011 01:04
Love this small church. Has so much character1
Janice Dunn11-Jul-2011 00:12
Nice one - very clean lines here
Brenda10-Jul-2011 23:53
Great choice!
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