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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> June Landscapes > 18. Harry and Davids Fruit Market
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18-JUN-2010 Kerry Tingley

18. Harry and Davids Fruit Market

Medford, OR

This company sends their fruit all over the world. The produce here is usually not as large as the ones they ship out, but are much cheaper and always first quality.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G2
1/500s f/4.0 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2010 00:06
Very nice shot, interesting old-fashioned architecture.
Mieke WA Minkjan25-Jun-2010 07:48
beautiful van and a nice compostion
Doug Cruden25-Jun-2010 06:59
I like the van too...nicely composed Kerry
Guest 25-Jun-2010 01:33
I like the bright colors in this.
Cindi Smith25-Jun-2010 00:35
I like the image but not a big fan either. Ours isn't so good. I do like the picture and that truck is adorable. Glad yours is better than ours.
Kathryn24-Jun-2010 19:27
J. Scott Coile24-Jun-2010 17:13
I'll take some chocolate covered dried cherries :-)
Walter Otto Koenig24-Jun-2010 16:13
Cool shot. I have to agree with Steph, they're overpriced. Your image however is a winner. Great shot with the old truck.
Stephanie24-Jun-2010 14:18
Hah! We have received Harry & David's fruit gifts several times in the past ~ they do NOT always arrive in good condition. They are overpriced and a big rip-off. I am not a fan of this company!

But, I do like your image Kerry. The antique truck in front is charming!
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