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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> April's Scavenger Hunt > 25. Leit motif
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24-APR-2010 Kerry Tingley

25. Leit motif

Dorris, CA

"A recurring musical theme, associated with a particular person, place, or idea." I think I am using this in the broadest possible sense, but here goes. The ranches in the Dorris, CA area all have these trees planted along the edges of each field. I assume they make a windbreak when trees have bloomed and the crops are planted.

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/464s f/4.0 at 15.1mm iso64 full exif

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joseantonio05-May-2010 14:06
Lovely and well composed picture
Carl and Racine Erland03-May-2010 13:09
Nice example and a well composed scene. Hope you got some rest over the weekend! - Racine
Frank Brault01-May-2010 15:20
LynnH01-May-2010 10:46
I know you've been very busy with work, but doesn't it feel rewarding when you are able to help someone? Enjoyed doing the April challenge with you!
Yvonne01-May-2010 02:41
What a lovely neat landscape, the trees should be coming into leaf very soon!
J. Scott Coile30-Apr-2010 22:42
With the heavy topping, they almost look like notes.
laine30-Apr-2010 21:57
After your exhausting week to look on this peaceful scene must feel so good. Hope you can have a weekend of relaxing too!
Cindi Smith30-Apr-2010 17:11
Girl, you have been busy doing very good things. This is a wonderful image, Kerry! Try to get some rest this weekend if possible!
Johnny JAG30-Apr-2010 15:49
Nice repetition.
Stephanie30-Apr-2010 14:01
Such a lovely image. Like your compo very much Kerry!
Guest 30-Apr-2010 13:37
Beautiful field Kerry, nice composition!
Jola Dziubinska30-Apr-2010 13:16
Lovely early Spring landscape, well composed.
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