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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> April's Scavenger Hunt > 21. Give and Take
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17-APR-2010 Kerry Tingley

21. Give and Take

Midland, OR

This is a little calf with no mama (Dogies). We took care of them over the weekend (there are 3 all together)for a friend that was out of town. Two seem to be doing well. The smallest is not thriving. I hope he makes it.

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/298s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jola Dziubinska30-Apr-2010 13:18
Very cute.
Carl and Racine Erland26-Apr-2010 01:53
Great example of give/take! Nice shot...hope the little one makes it. - Racine
LynnH23-Apr-2010 16:55
Very nice of you to help out. Some babies are just not destined to thrive and grow. Nature can be hard to understand. Love this tender shot and give & take. V
carol j. phipps23-Apr-2010 02:22
AW! Nice take on the challenge.
Ed McConnell23-Apr-2010 00:03
cute shot Kerry..very nice.
J. Scott Coile22-Apr-2010 23:09
Walter Otto Koenig22-Apr-2010 22:47
Wonderful for give, a touching photo. What happened to their mum?
Johnny JAG22-Apr-2010 18:53
Very cute.
Guest 22-Apr-2010 13:56
Sweet photo Kerry!
Stephanie22-Apr-2010 09:48
Wonderful photo Kerry! Sure hope the little one pulls through with flying colors!
Bernard Davis22-Apr-2010 08:29
Lovely shot, they certainly learn how to do that quickly.
Yvonne22-Apr-2010 07:36
They learn so quickly!
Kathryn22-Apr-2010 06:24
Good capture.
borisalex22-Apr-2010 04:19
Really nice example for humanity to animals! V.
Dave Hein22-Apr-2010 03:48
It's good to give a bottle to someone who can really appreciate it.
Cindi Smith22-Apr-2010 03:21
So sweeeeet! I hope they all make it. What happened to Mom?
Inga Morozoff22-Apr-2010 02:26
What happened? Did the mother die giving birth? How horrible.
Coleen Perilloux Landry22-Apr-2010 02:25
Awwwww, such a sweet photo.
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