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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> April's Scavenger Hunt > 20. Wavy
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31-MAR-2010 Kerry Tingley

20. Wavy

Miller's Island Refuge, OR

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/366s f/6.3 at 7.3mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jola Dziubinska30-Apr-2010 13:19
Very nice and crisp shot.
Frank Brault21-Apr-2010 22:15
Nicely seen and captured.
carol j. phipps21-Apr-2010 01:47
Nice one!
Stephanie20-Apr-2010 23:14
Very wavy! Great shot Kerry! :)
Cindi Smith20-Apr-2010 22:10
I salute your flags!
Bernard Davis20-Apr-2010 20:35
Nice shot, well lit.
Brenda20-Apr-2010 19:14
Love all the beautiful colors here as well as the waviness!
LynnH20-Apr-2010 18:42
Waving away, love the bright colors!
Johnny JAG20-Apr-2010 18:31
Nice waviness.
J. Scott Coile20-Apr-2010 18:21
High and proud.
Guest 20-Apr-2010 16:33
Beautiful colors against the blue sky Kerry!
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