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18-APR-2010 Kerry Tingley

19. Petale (New Beginnings)

Klamath Falls, OR

We finally have buds on our trees! They all popped out over the weekend. Spring is here.

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/195s f/5.0 at 110.4mm iso72 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Oct-2010 15:17
Nice capture.Vote
Bartosz Kotulski30-Aug-2010 12:14
soft and beautiful with a perfect light
Jola Dziubinska30-Apr-2010 13:19
Very beautiful, Kerry.
Carl and Racine Erland24-Apr-2010 01:41
Gorgeous pink blossoms...lovely shot! - Racine
Frank Brault21-Apr-2010 22:15
borisalex21-Apr-2010 04:59
Great light on that blossoms, great feel for spring!
Ed McConnell20-Apr-2010 23:57
very nice shot Kerry..our trees are just about ready.
Walter Otto Koenig20-Apr-2010 23:43
Beautiful spring image. Great for new beginning.
Bernard Davis20-Apr-2010 20:51
Lovely petals, nice bokeh as well.
Johnny JAG20-Apr-2010 18:43
Lovely colour and detail
LynnH20-Apr-2010 18:32
Lovely pinks and blues! V
Mairéad20-Apr-2010 14:20
Beautiful colours and one of the most welcome new beginnigns.
carolynne_w20-Apr-2010 13:28
Very pretty
Guest 20-Apr-2010 12:53
Beautiful blossoms!! Great beginning Kerry!
Doug Cruden20-Apr-2010 12:07
I love all the blossom in favourite time of year. Lovely shot Kerry
Cindi Smith20-Apr-2010 10:58
Beautiful! My peach tree looked like that a couple of weeks ago. Looks like you finally have Spring! Lovely!
Yvonne20-Apr-2010 10:43
Beautiful shade of pink, spring blossom is always a welcome sight!
Stephanie20-Apr-2010 08:36
Beautiful!!! A perfect new beginning! :)
Kathryn20-Apr-2010 06:14
Beautiful blossom.
J. Scott Coile20-Apr-2010 03:51
Glorious Spring renewel. Way to kick things off.
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