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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> April's Scavenger Hunt > 15. Empty
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14-APR-10 Kerry Tingley

15. Empty

Klamath Falls, OR

This building collapsed winter before last with heavy snow. They have finally torn this section out. It was originally part of Balsinger Ford. It has since hit hard times and has changed hands a few times.

The corner unit is still standing. It is nick-named "the Egyptian" and is used for wedding receptions, dances and large gatherings.

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/366s f/6.3 at 7.3mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Carl and Racine Erland18-Apr-2010 18:18
Great example for empty...nice shot and love the clouds! - Racine
Frank Brault16-Apr-2010 21:33
An great find and a superb picture.
Cindi Smith16-Apr-2010 02:47
Desolate looking. Very empty indeed!
Lady Di16-Apr-2010 01:05
Nice to hear it is still being used for something.
carol j. phipps15-Apr-2010 23:31
STunning cloud formation, too.
LynnH15-Apr-2010 22:50
What a great sky you had for this. It adds a bit of drama. Nice work. Nice empty-ness too.
lisamidi15-Apr-2010 22:31
Empty and sad but great for photography, I suppose...
Ed McConnell15-Apr-2010 21:29
looks very Empty...good good find for this choice.
Bernard Davis15-Apr-2010 20:11
Always a pity to see a building in ruins, but at least you get to take some great pictures. Love the sky.
Walter Otto Koenig15-Apr-2010 19:06
Very empty indeed, but it looks like choice location for photography.
J. Scott Coile15-Apr-2010 19:00
We have a local (Nashville) area Ford dealer that went through 6 ownership changes in the last 10 years. It sits vacant (for 2 years now) with little hope of reopening anytime soon.
borisalex15-Apr-2010 17:49
Sad too! Great find!
Johnny JAG15-Apr-2010 16:27
Almost desolate!
Guest 15-Apr-2010 14:48
Definitively empty, nice photo Kerry, lovely sky!!
Stephanie15-Apr-2010 14:45
Empty and deserted. Well seen for the challenge Kerry!
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