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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> December Winter Vistas > A Healthy and Prosperous 2010 To My Friends at Pbase!
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29-DEC-2009 Kerry Tingley

A Healthy and Prosperous 2010 To My Friends at Pbase!

Mt Shasta, CA

Nikon Coolpix P90
1/325s f/4.0 at 15.1mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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susan hiatt23-Jan-2011 03:33
..another beautiful view of creation
Available Light Images03-Jan-2010 05:33
Yes, very similar in concept to the image you commented on:

Once you have a good shot of the moon, layer it in Photoshop and in the blending options choose "lighten" that integrates the moon nicely with the background exposure...

Happy New Year...
Barbara Heide02-Jan-2010 02:05
Happy New year!
LynnH01-Jan-2010 20:39
Such a beautiful scene and a perfect ending for our year. Wishing you a wonderful 2010.
Cindi Smith01-Jan-2010 05:11
Beautiful work, Kerry and a very Happy New Year to you too. Good to see you posting again. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in 2010!
Carl and Racine Erland01-Jan-2010 03:52
Beautiful image of the mountain...may you have a happy and healthy New Year!
laine01-Jan-2010 00:26
Looks great there with the sun shining on the Mount...Happy New Year, Kerry
Phillip Normanton31-Dec-2009 21:59
Have a great New Year yourself :o)
Kathryn31-Dec-2009 20:51
Wonderful image, Happy New Year Kerry.
Marielou Dhumez31-Dec-2009 19:35
Wonderful mountain scape with the moon !
Very Happy New year 2010 !
Bernard Davis31-Dec-2009 18:16
Super shot. Happy New Year
Stephanie31-Dec-2009 17:40
Marvelous scene here! Happy New Year!
Jola Dziubinska31-Dec-2009 16:33
Stunning scene, thank you for your good wishes and you too have a wonderful, joyful, happy New Year Kerry.
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