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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mt Shasta, a sacred mountain > More...and More Clouds
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18-OCT-2009 Kerry Tingley

More...and More Clouds

Shasta, County, CA

The clouds were above and below Mt. Shasta today as I drove south to meet my son.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W290
1/200s f/10.0 at 13.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ashley Hockenberry08-Jan-2010 15:06
laine20-Oct-2009 01:42
Gorgeous shot, Kerry
Inga Morozoff20-Oct-2009 01:32
Wow, that's a great shot!
Maaike Huizer19-Oct-2009 19:56
What a wonderful view. Spectaculair!
Linda Willets19-Oct-2009 16:44
Beautiful scene
Walter Otto Koenig19-Oct-2009 15:24
Beautiful image of this majestic mountain. Looks great!
Cindi Smith19-Oct-2009 14:07
This is the mountains are floating above the earth! Amazing shot!
monica memoli19-Oct-2009 13:33
Wow! Impressive. v
Sheila19-Oct-2009 12:36
Awesome landscape. The mountain seems to be floating.
Barbara Heide19-Oct-2009 09:19
awesome landscape!
Bernard Davis19-Oct-2009 08:39
That is a stunning landscape. Beautiful shot. Voted
Stephanie19-Oct-2009 08:26
This is so beautiful!
Doug Cruden19-Oct-2009 06:00
Wonderful shot of this beautiful landscape - this could be 'linear' as well with those strata of clouds...great photo Kerry!
borisalex19-Oct-2009 05:32
Stunning scene, so beautiful nature. Great shot!
Ali Majdfar19-Oct-2009 05:21
Stunning capture, ~V
cits_4_pets19-Oct-2009 04:48
Fabulous landscape! Love the layers of dry grass, mountain range, clouds, mountain peaks and more clouds. Excellent Kerry!!!
Laryl19-Oct-2009 04:40
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