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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Easter 2009 > Off on another adventure!
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12-APR-2009 Kerry Tingley

Off on another adventure!

Klamath Falls, OR

My toddler granddaughter Adrianna, searching for eggs last Sunday. She only has 2 speeds; asleep and fast! Part of the Thursday "World in Motion" challenge. For others participating, see

Nikon Coolpix P80
1/2833s f/5.0 at 33.3mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
carol j. phipps18-Apr-2009 23:59
Makes me smile! She is off and into her imagination.
beverley harrison17-Apr-2009 08:22
cits_4_pets17-Apr-2009 07:20
Darling! Nice colors and love the action.
Guest 17-Apr-2009 05:46
Precious image!
Guest 17-Apr-2009 01:50
So cute, look at those hands how they are balanced, looks like a dance. Big kiss on those cheeks.
Cindi Smith17-Apr-2009 00:33
Yeah, that is usually the case. Sleep and go, go, go! Love the image and love her little pigtails. Sweet image to savor forever!
Ken Duckert16-Apr-2009 23:59
More like a mission. Good for her. What fun!
Jola Dziubinska16-Apr-2009 23:50
Cute moment :)
Barbara Heide16-Apr-2009 22:38
Bill Ewart Jr16-Apr-2009 22:29
Yep, two speeder, stop n go!!!! Hope she found the golden egg!!!!
Maaike Huizer16-Apr-2009 22:01
Marc Vermeulen16-Apr-2009 22:00
I think she is moving fast!
Great shot!
J. Scott Coile16-Apr-2009 21:42
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... that is so sweet. Perfect delicate motion!
Guest 16-Apr-2009 18:39
Beautiful and sweet. Well done. Kerry. V
Kathryn16-Apr-2009 17:24
What a wonderful image Kerry, I hope she found lots.
Norbert Fortelny16-Apr-2009 16:44
On the move!
Walter Otto Koenig16-Apr-2009 14:55
She looks like a handful. I like the way you captured the motion.
Evaristo Buendia Carrera16-Apr-2009 14:51
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