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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2008 Images as I am able > Happy New Year
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31-DEC-2008 Kerry Tingley

Happy New Year

Klamath Falls, Oregon

Most of us are probably happy to wave goodbye to 2008. Here is our wish for the next year...

Nikon Coolpix P80
1/162s f/5.0 at 9.8mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Cindi Smith02-Jan-2009 22:55
Lovely scene and beautiful reminder! Happy New Year, Kerry and Bill!
through_the_lens02-Jan-2009 13:57
Beautiful image and great thoughts..great way to start the year.. happy happy
j>a>e>17 :):):)02-Jan-2009 08:11
sweeet serenity songzzz for YOU & YOUr loved onezzz ALLL 2009 koooliooo karing kerry :):):) 17 AAAHHHvationzzz from the windy city :):):)
Guest 02-Jan-2009 05:04
Beautiful shot and sentiment.
Jola Dziubinska02-Jan-2009 02:29
Happy New Year to you and yours, Kerry! A very pretty card :)
virginiacoastline02-Jan-2009 01:40
And a wonderful 2009 for you, too
Guest 01-Jan-2009 19:45
Beautiful card, Kerry. Very well said. Happy new Year.
BleuEvanescence01-Jan-2009 19:20
Beautifully wishes to you too.
Guest 01-Jan-2009 17:49
Happy New Year.
cits_4_pets01-Jan-2009 09:26
Wonderful video and message. Happy New Year!
Kathryn01-Jan-2009 08:32
Love the video.
Here's to a Great 2009
Maaike Huizer01-Jan-2009 08:21
You are so right. Wish you the same! And enjoy live!
Patrick Allender01-Jan-2009 06:28
Happy New Year Kerry!
Piet & Elsabé Enslin01-Jan-2009 05:51
Happy New Year, beautiful
Sam Stevenson01-Jan-2009 03:29
Best wishes for the new year!
carol j. phipps01-Jan-2009 03:07
Beautiful scene and words! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Health and Peace!
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