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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2008 Images as I am able > Christmas is for me
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December 21, 2008 Kerry Tingley

Christmas is for me

Klamath Falls, Oregon

Adrianna by the Christmas tree- looking a bit sleepy.

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j>a>e>17 :):):)23-Dec-2008 06:36
aaahhhooosome adrianna sharezzz her magical~~~mystical~~~muse~ical eyezzz o'heart awaiting the giftsss of santy clawzzz :):):) what a cherished photo for her alwayzzz :):):) may she alwayzzz dream~~~dare~~~dive with ZEST!!! :):):)
Patrick Allender22-Dec-2008 19:36
She is a real cutie with big beautiful eyes. Your holidays are sure to be filled with joy!
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