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Kerry Tingley | all galleries >> Galleries >> A few of my favorites from all of my galleries > High Desert Radiance
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09-NOV-2008 Kerry Tingley

High Desert Radiance

Lava Beds National Monument, CA

The light was perfect today out on the Lava Beds National Refuge.

Nikon Coolpix P80
1/392s f/6.3 at 55.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Shayne18-Jun-2009 18:06
Stunning Image ~ well done!!!
Guest 16-Feb-2009 22:15
so many angles, must be fun to roam there for a week.
Guest 17-Nov-2008 08:02
wonderful landscape, image.
Patrick Allender13-Nov-2008 04:49
Beautiful shot Kerry! I think the radiance from the golden grass really makes this picture spectacular. Hope Zoey is better.
john savage13-Nov-2008 02:15
Gorgeous scene. V
carol j. phipps12-Nov-2008 14:54
Stunning scene! Simply beatiful.
Jean D12-Nov-2008 03:42
Outstanding capture, Kerry!
Wei O'Connell11-Nov-2008 04:41
Beautiful shot, Kerry!
Love the composition and colors. v
Chris Spracklen10-Nov-2008 20:11
A fine shot of this multi-coloured landscape, Kerry.
Kind regards, Chris
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