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Danny Yanai | all galleries >> Baby Sivan fighting for life >> Sivan's recovery July-Aug 2009 > IMG_3046.JPG
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Hadassah, Jerusalem

Today, July 17, 2009, Sivan is almost 2 months after BMT, and her condition seems to be improving. She eats fine, speaks, jokes and today was even disconnected from wires and was taken, for the first time since BMT, to a walk outside the hospital, to the fresh air. She still requires physical rehabilitation, as her legs don't work yet, after the long time in intensive care. But the general curve is of improvement. Here with her sister Stav.

Canon EOS 50D
1/60s f/2.8 at 52.0mm iso320 full exif

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Kirsten18-Jul-2009 11:18
Guest 18-Jul-2009 08:08
I don't know what to say to express my feeling... But I'm really grad to see Sivan's photo these day. And she never be disappointing..... She is a fighter... Lovely Girl.. Strongest one I ever seen.... Keep fighting Sivan.. You gonna be fine...
angelique raptakis18-Jul-2009 05:17
the beautiful sisters :)
Eric Hewis17-Jul-2009 22:19
Go girls, you're looking good.