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Sheena Xin Liu | profile | all galleries >> Old collections >> People >> People with their stories tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

People with their stories

lovers, CA The wind, Soho, NYC Her childhood, Soho, NYC sweet pair, Beijing
 waiting, Lincon Center, NYC The crying lovers, the roof of Rockfeller center, NYC A heavy duty worker kid-girl-woman
The girl selling strawberries in Chinatown, NYC Gold Gate Bridge---the most romantic bridge a lonely bike rider The Distance
Her husband bought her icecream, a park in DC His way to earn a living  The story of an old  man, Brooklyn Bridge, NYC Golden Gate Bridge - the bridge that  stills time
An old new yorker with gaudy attires and make-up The confidence, San Diego Bay g4/79/551779/3/62002230.32iitm54.jpg The history witness, Rome
An Egyptian woman in Great British Museum, London The 13-year-old Indian boy selling mineral waters, Paris g4/79/551779/3/64001056.H4jhgzgS.jpg WeddingDay_2309.jpg