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Bill Connell | profile | all galleries >> Gallery - Vacation Galleries >> Montana Vacation Aug. 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Montana Vacation Aug. 2007

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Gallery of photos  - The Archie Bray Foundation - Helena, MT.
:: Gallery of photos - The Archie Bray Foundation - Helena, MT. ::
View from our room at Blue Mountain B&B near Missoula
View from our room at Blue Mountain B&B near Missoula
Missoula in the distance - from our B&B
Missoula in the distance - from our B&B
Garden at Blue Mountain B&B
Garden at Blue Mountain B&B
Morning sub thru valley smoke
Morning sub thru valley smoke
At Glacier National Park
At Glacier National Park
g6/06/2606/3/84502962.7VAj5aKu.jpg At Glacier National Park
At Glacier National Park
by the lake At Glacier National Park
by the lake At Glacier National Park
Montana forest fire near the highway
Montana forest fire near the highway
taken from the car - note fire burning
taken from the car - note fire burning
Fire fighter camp
Fire fighter camp
Fire fighter camp
Fire fighter camp
Fire fighter camp
Fire fighter camp
Marjorie enjoying the Salmon River
Marjorie enjoying the Salmon River
near Carmen, Idaho
near Carmen, Idaho
g6/06/2606/3/84504443.HMmOVqx1.jpg g6/06/2606/3/84504446.xfvtXlLG.jpg g6/06/2606/3/84504448.NtfareTc.jpg
This Bull seemed a bit upset
This Bull seemed a bit upset
that our car was right in his path
that our car was right in his path
So he just went around and brushed the front of the car
So he just went around and brushed the front of the car
g6/06/2606/3/84504466.UVX35Rg3.jpg g6/06/2606/3/84504470.HUBkZ7sz.jpg
Elk feeding in the river
Elk feeding in the river
g6/06/2606/3/84504475.xUgrqSQx.jpg Mountain Goats near the Idaho - Montana border
Mountain Goats near the Idaho - Montana border