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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> vintage_style > Paddle steamer on the Murray River 2
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Paddle steamer on the Murray River 2

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Graeme15-Jul-2018 21:40
Beautifully done, Bob.V++!
Jeff Real14-Jul-2018 15:52
You are really a master of the vintage styling!
This is so awesome!
Stephanie03-Jul-2018 17:56
Wonderful old-fashioned image! V
marie-jose wolff03-Jul-2018 16:08
superb tones, timeless image! V
LynnH03-Jul-2018 15:38
Splendid vintage treatment! V
laine03-Jul-2018 15:37
laine03-Jul-2018 15:37
That lovely iconic's been many years since I was last there but nothing has this processing
Blandine Mangin03-Jul-2018 15:05
beautiful treatment ! v
Fong Lam03-Jul-2018 14:20
Love your remarkable composition and the vintage treatment is very appropriate...V
Yvonne03-Jul-2018 12:10
Looks really authentic Bob! v
Julie Oldfield03-Jul-2018 04:36
Timeless! This is superb. V
joseantonio03-Jul-2018 03:30
Looks like an old and beautiful painting.V.
globalgadabout03-Jul-2018 02:01
what a rich scene, and the treatment is a treat, sepia, scratches and all..
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jul-2018 00:47
Well composed and your processing work suits the subject well. "V"
Helen Betts03-Jul-2018 00:03
Your creative treatment has transformed this into a vintage image from days gone by. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Jul-2018 22:31
My fave tonight.V
Zeeby02-Jul-2018 22:27
Superb photo. V
Wintermeer02-Jul-2018 22:19
Excellent treatment! ~V~
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