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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> vintage_style > Old Church at Hill End N.S.W
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Old Church at Hill End N.S.W

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Milan Vogrin14-Jul-2018 07:46
Like this one. V!
Julie Oldfield03-Jul-2018 04:37
Very beautiful. Excellent work as always. V
Nirvan Hope02-Jul-2018 22:17
Love the effect giving character to this old church.
Graeme02-Jul-2018 22:04
Beautifully done, Bob.V++!
Martin Lamoon02-Jul-2018 21:21
This is wonderful.
John Reynolds LRPS02-Jul-2018 18:36
Far away and yet a familiar site. The South Wales valleys (where I grew up) have so many chapels like this. V.
Jeff Real02-Jul-2018 18:25
Your work on this is just incredible!
Pierre02-Jul-2018 17:01
Une très belle réalisation artistique! V
Stephanie02-Jul-2018 15:55
Great coloring and creation of this work of art! V
laine02-Jul-2018 15:26
Nice art, Bob, really ages the view. V
Yvonne02-Jul-2018 10:19
Your treatment gives this a really genuine olde worlde feel to this.. v
danad02-Jul-2018 07:56
A superb presentation. V.
Fong Lam02-Jul-2018 06:21
A wonderful image with lovely details and vintage tones...V
Helen Betts02-Jul-2018 00:39
I like the textured effect and toning in this fine capture. V.
globalgadabout01-Jul-2018 22:21
an arresting image, particularly with one window apparently out....admire your technical approach here..
Walter Otto Koenig01-Jul-2018 22:06
Well composed and very effective processing for the subject. "V"
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)01-Jul-2018 22:04
My fave tonight.V
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