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William Burke | all galleries >> Tea'd Off in Colorado Springs >> McFeudalism - Colorado Springs style > Creekside at Norwood - Colorado Springs Housing Authority
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Creekside at Norwood - Colorado Springs Housing Authority

At first I couldn't believe I was at the right place; as per the street numbering, it seemed 7220 should be in the dirt lot on the East side of Austin Bluffs. And these units couldn't POSSIBLY be "Public Housing" could they?

"The grounds of Creekside afford several forms of recreation for you and your family. There's a tot lot where kids can romp and roll, or you can bike, hike or stroll on the Cottonwood Trail system. The clubhouse has a business center (copier, fax, and computer) for your personal use, and a pool and jacuzzi for exercise and relaxation."'wood.htm

But sure enough, the name of the development matches the name on the El Paso County Assessor's site:

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