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Bill Klipp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Mediterranean Odyssey tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Mediterranean Odyssey

Join us for a 4,500 mile journey aboard the National Geographic Endeavour expedition ship for a photo expedition across the Mediterranean. Our 30 day journey took us through eight different countries as we seemed to travel back in time to many renowned archaeological sites, nine UNESCO World Heritage sites and numerous remote islands and ports not easily visited.

Check out our New Children's Book "Animal ABCs" at:

Images are available for purchase for usage rights contact: Bill Klipp,
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Mljet Island,  Croatia
Mljet Island, Croatia
Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece
Bonifacio, Corsica 1
Bonifacio, Corsica 1
Bonifacio, Corsica 2
Bonifacio, Corsica 2
Kotor Fjord ,  Montenegro 2
Kotor Fjord , Montenegro 2
Kotor Fjord ,  Montenegro 3
Kotor Fjord , Montenegro 3
Night Scene --- Dubrovinik, Croatia 1
Night Scene --- Dubrovinik, Croatia 1
Night Scene --- Dubrovinik, Croatia 2
Night Scene --- Dubrovinik, Croatia 2
Folegandros Island, Greece 1
Folegandros Island, Greece 1
Folegandros Island, Greece 2
Folegandros Island, Greece 2
Folegandros Island, Greece 3
Folegandros Island, Greece 3
Folegandros Island, Greece 4
Folegandros Island, Greece 4
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