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Costa Rica & Panama Photos

Costa Rica and Panama bridge the Continents of North and South America while dividing two oceans, the Pacific and Atlantic and creating unique ecosystems with an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. Our visit to Costa Rica took us by land from the northern regions around Arenal Volcano (the 2nd most active volcano on the planet) to the popular coastal natural gem of Manuel Antonio National Park. We then embarked on a photo expedition aboard the 152 foot expedition vessel National Geographic Sea Lion. Our journey took us south along the Costa Rican and Panamanian coastline where we explored the mainland rainforests and remote off shore islands rich in wildlife with their diverse ecosystems. We spent time kayaking through ancient mangrove forests, exploring remote islands, lying on the ground watching armies of leaf cutter ants, hiking thru the forests seeking monkeys, sloths, coatis, toucans, hummingbirds and scarlet macaws among the many species we found. We explored the Osa Peninsular,
And Corcovado National Park, Golfo Dulce, Isla Coiba National Park, remote Panama Bay Islands with a special visit to Gatun Lake and Barro Colorado Island an isolated natural laboratory run by the world-renowned Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Our journey to the remote tropical rainforests ended as it often does, back in civilization, but this time we reentered the modern world via one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Panama Canal. Enjoy some of the wonders of Costa Rica and Panama.

Images are available for purchase or usage rights contact: Bill Klipp;
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Hummingbird,  Arenal  7
Hummingbird, Arenal 7
Red Capped Manakin,  Golfo Dulce  1
Red Capped Manakin, Golfo Dulce 1
Scarlet Macaw,  Corcovado Ntl Park   1
Scarlet Macaw, Corcovado Ntl Park 1
Hummingbird,  Arenal   2
Hummingbird, Arenal 2
Squirrel Monkey,   Manuel Antonio   2
Squirrel Monkey, Manuel Antonio 2
Rufous Tailed Hummingbird,  Arenal  1
Rufous Tailed Hummingbird, Arenal 1
Three Toed Sloth,   Manuel Antonio   2
Three Toed Sloth, Manuel Antonio 2
Howler Monkey,  Manuel Antonio   5
Howler Monkey, Manuel Antonio 5
Whiptail Lizard,  Barro Colorado Island  1
Whiptail Lizard, Barro Colorado Island 1
Spiny Tailed Iguana,   Manuel Antonio   1
Spiny Tailed Iguana, Manuel Antonio 1
Montezuma Oropendola,  Arenal Volcano  2
Montezuma Oropendola, Arenal Volcano 2
Arenal Volcano  1
Arenal Volcano 1
Hermit Crabs,  Granito de Oro   1
Hermit Crabs, Granito de Oro 1
Granito de Oro, Panama 2
Granito de Oro, Panama 2
Three Toed Sloth,   Manuel Antonio   1
Three Toed Sloth, Manuel Antonio 1
Squirrel Monkey,   Manuel Antonio   1
Squirrel Monkey, Manuel Antonio 1
Helmut Iguana,   Manuel Antonio   1
Helmut Iguana, Manuel Antonio 1
Tent Bat,   Golfo Dulce  1
Tent Bat, Golfo Dulce 1
Howler Monkey,  Manuel Antonio   1
Howler Monkey, Manuel Antonio 1
Green Iguana,  Osa Peninsula  1
Green Iguana, Osa Peninsula 1
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