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Wintermeer | all galleries >> Museums >> Nautineum >> UWL Helgoland > UWL Helgoland
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UWL Helgoland

This underwater habitat was Germany's entry into the quest for expertise in Marine Engineering. Its first mission took place in 1969 off Heligoland at a depth of 25 metres

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Walter Otto Koenig24-Sep-2015 23:51
Fascinating design. Very interesting to see this. "V"
Marcia Colelli15-Sep-2015 16:38
Nicely captured with nice colors and details V
David Lewins14-Sep-2015 12:17
Nicely captured and presented
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)14-Sep-2015 12:11
Very nice shot,voted
Martin Lamoon09-Sep-2015 21:36
A bright piece of engineering, would be great to see inside.
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