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Cesar Fernandez | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Photographer & friends > OKAVANGO DELTA
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Picture courtesy of my good friend Dave during one of our few photo trips to Africa. This time we agreed to go to the Okavango Delta instead of Namibia. I had visited Namibia two years prior and I had tried to convinced him to go and photograph in Namibia, but in the end I was glad we end up going to the delta.
Two years later I went back to Botswana to photograph a pack of African Wild Dogs with a new litter.

Canon EOS 5D
1/45s f/4.0 at 60.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fred Parsons19-Apr-2011 08:01
Hi there glad to see you are on the go ! If I did not email you this I have a video interview only 2.5 mins copy this line into your browser:

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