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William Hartshorn | all galleries >> Galleries >> ITALYIMPRESSIONSPAIN > Venezia Reflections
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Venezia Reflections

With its gondolas, canals, amazing restaurants, and unforgettable romantic ambiance,
Venice is definitely a city for one's bucket list.
Waterfront palazzos, palaces, and churches make drifting down the Grand Canal feel like cruising through a painting.
To really experience Venice you must go to nibble fresh pasta and pastries, and linger in the exhibit halls of an art gallery.

Photographers will drool over the many unforgettable sights and scenes to capture!!!

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Karen Moen17-Oct-2015 19:02
Perfectly timed to capture the warmth of the sunlight. Voted.
Anitta26-Oct-2014 19:01
Venice is so full of beauty and great photo options! A real joy to view Venice through your eyes. Once again brilliant composition with the canal and pretty buildings. Wonderful colors, as always from you. *V*
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