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William Barletta | all galleries >> Colors >> Violet > DSF_0062.jpg
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28-May-2016 W.A.BARLETTA


Nikon D700
1/500s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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fotabug06-Jul-2016 16:00
Helen Betts06-Jul-2016 13:37
Gorgeous flower, and even more so set against that background. V.
Irene Wehrli06-Jul-2016 13:24
Such a beauty with exquisite colors…
Yvonne06-Jul-2016 10:49
Gorgeous shot, love the deep colour! v
joseantonio06-Jul-2016 10:02
lovely and beautiful.V
Alexander Kazakov06-Jul-2016 08:30
Superb! V
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