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William Barletta | all galleries >> New England >> The Ocean State > An elegant house on Ocean Drive - Narragansett RI
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16-Sep-2015 W.A.Barletta

An elegant house on Ocean Drive - Narragansett RI


Nikon D810
1/400s f/5.6 at 42.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Irene Wehrli09-Oct-2015 13:34
Now this is really an elegant building William - wonderful with those flowers and the blue sky!
Marisa Livet30-Sep-2015 19:11
I see here nearly a 3D effect. What a beautiful photo and what a charming house!
Yvonne30-Sep-2015 10:18
Looks a grand place to live... with a pretty garden.. v
Helen Betts30-Sep-2015 07:04
Perfect POV in this beautiful capture. V.
joseantonio30-Sep-2015 05:23
Looks like a lovely place to live. Love those flowers in the foreground.V.
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