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William Barletta | all galleries >> Americana >> Tennessee > Cades's Cove - Townsend TN
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Cades's Cove - Townsend TN


Nikon D70
1/350s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Irene Wehrli14-Jun-2020 08:42
Peaceful, picturesque landscape - so wonderfully composed, William!
Yohanan David25-Sep-2019 04:49
Beautiful scene! V
danad20-Sep-2019 07:58
A wonderful image ! BV.
Neil Marcus09-Oct-2017 14:13
It reminds me of a John Constable painting. A superb scene in all elements. "VVV"
MarcViskens04-Sep-2017 19:18
very nice vue
dond17-Jan-2011 02:51
Marvelous composition. Well seen.
Buba Jafarli17-Jan-2011 02:35
What a wonderful place! And the photo is so well composed! V.
Alain Boussac16-Jan-2011 21:50
Superbly done. V.
Guest 16-Jan-2011 04:14
Excellent composition, colors and details! Bravo ~V
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