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Vijay Nanda | all galleries >> Galleries >> New York Under Siege > The empty Times Square
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The empty Times Square

(best seen in original size)
Performing to an audience of one at Times Square, NYC
Selected by editors of LEICA FOTOGRAFIE INTERNATIONAL, Germany for
the gallery- NORTH AMERICA

Leica Q (Typ 116)
1/250s f/7.1 at 28.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Apostolos Tikopoulos06-Jan-2021 09:03
Excellent street shot at this popular place. V.
Mariam Kaskaneshvili01-Oct-2020 13:09
Guest 27-Sep-2020 00:51
Guest 10-Jul-2020 06:54
Congratulations: this is the winning entry in the 557th Show & Tell Competition: Musicians. Great photo!
Jeff B.10-Jul-2020 06:54
Congratulations: this is the winning entry in the 557th Show & Tell Competition: Musicians. Great photo!
janescottcumming14-May-2020 14:44
Last time I was in Times Square I could hardly move there were so many people there. Look at it now. Great capture. V
Long Bach Nguyen10-May-2020 01:28
well done and very eerie indeed
globalgadabout09-May-2020 16:31
despite all the colour it is an eerie scene..
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