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People Pictures

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Preacher man?
Preacher man?
In a pub in Swanage
In a pub in Swanage
Monkey-boy James
Monkey-boy James
James sitting on a gate
James sitting on a gate
Linda (A)
Linda (A)
Luke from Terry's Beetles
Luke from Terry's Beetles
Mum behind the wheel
Mum behind the wheel
Guess what Dad's photographing...
Guess what Dad's photographing...
My Grandparents wedding
My Grandparents wedding
Me with Suzuki SV650s
Me with Suzuki SV650s
Me in student bedsit
Me in student bedsit
1980's driver
1980's driver
Grandparents c1980
Grandparents c1980
Bondy at the Bell & Hare
Bondy at the Bell & Hare
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