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Victoria | all galleries >> A better world--The world in my eye >> UK cities >> Manchester,start discover here... > penetration--Manchester's Big Wheel has beed saved
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penetration--Manchester's Big Wheel has beed saved

it's going to get even bigger, now the 195ft tall wheel is tay in Exchange Square will be replaced by 260ft tall monster wheel next year

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Steve Highfield26-Jan-2007 19:42
Well framed shot with your hand positioned just right. +V
Lee G15-Jan-2007 16:56
Good shot and good news!
Guest 15-Jan-2007 05:17
When it will be 260ft high, you won't be able to touch the top like that ;-) Very good idea, well realized.
Vilone15-Jan-2007 03:01
Very creative! Nice hand & shot Victoria!
Sheila15-Jan-2007 01:55
Great composition!!
Char15-Jan-2007 01:24
Interesting shot Victoria.
Tom Munson14-Jan-2007 23:14
Nice shot.
Carole Stevens14-Jan-2007 23:00
Wow bet thats a great sight Vicky, love this pik!
Stu14-Jan-2007 22:58
Oh the competitiveness! Which city can have the largest Ferris wheel outside of London! Nice shot, though!
ac14-Jan-2007 20:08
Yes beautiful hands.
Guest 14-Jan-2007 18:41
Creative, full of life, very funny...
marie-jose wolff14-Jan-2007 18:36
very creative!
beautiful night atmosphere!
laine8214-Jan-2007 18:03
:>)) You have such a big hand for a tiny girl !! Good shot.
Fred Gary14-Jan-2007 18:02
Good use of your hand as a diffuser for the foreground light and also as a frame for the subject of your picture the Big Wheel. Good job.
b-w studio14-Jan-2007 18:00
very nice, Victoria.
Guest 14-Jan-2007 17:59
Very colourful and creative framing ,nice, wonderful to hear it been saved..bravo!