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Victoria | all galleries >> A better world--The world in my eye >> UK cities >> Manchester,start discover here... > City of Manchester Stadium
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City of Manchester Stadium

Another one football club in Manchester

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laine8214-Jan-2007 18:06
I liked viewing Manchester views during the 2002 Commonwealth doubt we saw this stadium at some stage :>)
Eric Carrère12-Jan-2007 09:40
Very nice shot Victoria, V.
Eric Hewis11-Jan-2007 19:31
Fred, this is not a Photoshop effect, it's a so called work of art titled 'The 'B' Of The Bang'.
It's being taken down soon because it's falling apart and is dangerous.
Victoria, nice picture.
Guest 11-Jan-2007 19:18
Wow, this is very good!! Beautiful!
Fong Lam11-Jan-2007 12:03
Nice shot of the stadium, Victoria.
marie-jose wolff11-Jan-2007 10:40
very nice picture!
Fred Gary11-Jan-2007 10:39
Nice photoshop effect.
Guest 11-Jan-2007 10:31
wow, this is really beautiful.