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Victoria | all galleries >> A better world--The world in my eye >> UK cities >> Manchester,start discover here... > Electrical wire & Debenhams ----Victoria back
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Electrical wire & Debenhams ----Victoria back

tram running faster than bus, usually we choose tram to Old Trafford, really enjoy watch the match in Manchester United , by the way sometime when i do the job there, it is free for me to have a look ,cool a !~

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Guest 28-Dec-2006 20:06
Jude Marion16-Dec-2006 15:36
I like these sorts of industrial photos ...
great catch
QUERIDO03-Dec-2006 08:20
very nice shot,vote
Guest 03-Dec-2006 07:31
Welcome back.
Having the game for free is real good!
b-w studio03-Dec-2006 01:27
nice urban shot.
marie-jose wolff02-Dec-2006 23:12
interesting composition!