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21-Mar-2024 The photographer for Clé de Peau


The Regent Taipei

I scanned this image from the photo in a frame.
The picture was taken by a photographer for Clé de Peau last year.
I was invited to participate in the party, a hardcover with frame of Clé de Peau in 2014.

I am sorry that I had not visited PBase friends two years. Neither made drawing.
I returned to my hometown and look after my 90-year old father.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sue Anne04-Aug-2020 20:21
Beautiful V
Raymond19-Jul-2020 17:35
A very beautiful portrait Vickie
Neil Marcus24-May-2020 14:14
You are beautiful Vickie!
Dan Greenberg17-May-2020 15:11
This is a wonderful portrait of you Vickie. It is good to see you back on PBase. ~V~
MarcViskens04-Aug-2016 15:04
nice to see you
Anna & Christian RECK13-Jan-2016 16:40
Nice to see you again, Vicky! Receive my best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to you and all your family.
All the best
Kevin Warren08-Nov-2015 23:24
So nice to see you Vickie! You have been missed.
Bill Miller20-Sep-2015 06:23
Very pretty, and good to see you again, Vickie.
danad18-Sep-2015 12:53
Welcome back !
A very fine portrait ! V.
Blandine Mangin18-Sep-2015 06:01
very nice portrait ! v
James Clarke18-Sep-2015 00:16
Nice to see you again. Beautiful portrait. BV
Nestor Derkach17-Sep-2015 19:10
Welcome back ,very nice portrait,nice scan scan work.