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urs | all galleries >> various >> Alberta, Canada > Canada Alberta having a break down at the river
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28-SEP-2008 Urs Notter

Canada Alberta having a break down at the river

Elbow Falls, Alberta

Elbow Falls


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Barry Liimakka20-Dec-2008 16:24
I like the colors and the contrast
peterjay4524-Oct-2008 15:32
So beautiful, Urs. Great shot of a favourite place.
Guest 23-Oct-2008 14:29
WOW Urs, this is truly the light, the clarity, perfect exposure, gorgeous view!! V!
Guest 22-Oct-2008 23:51
This made me smile. I'm so glad for that day! And many more.
Alina22-Oct-2008 23:28
Beautiful autumn warmth. v
Michal Leszczynski22-Oct-2008 22:42
Beautiful photo Urs, great capture, excellent work. V.
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