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Trotting-horse | profile | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> paintings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
recent paintings by Janis Whitcomb. Pencil drawings and pastel paintings on a variety of surfaces.
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Belgian mare pencil Strathmore drawing paper
Belgian mare pencil Strathmore drawing paper
Percheron stallion Harrington Rex pencil Strathmore pencil
Percheron stallion Harrington Rex pencil Strathmore pencil
Draft leaders
Draft leaders
Cairn Puppy in the fall
Cairn Puppy in the fall
flower pastel.jpg
flower pastel.jpg
Drum Score pastel outdoors
Drum Score pastel outdoors
Shire with child
Shire with child
Arabian Stallion Tornado
Arabian Stallion Tornado
173 egret wc 1987.jpg
173 egret wc 1987.jpg
Cairn Terrier Kula
Cairn Terrier Kula
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