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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Oregon 2013 > Mt Hood and the Columbia River
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Mt Hood and the Columbia River

Taken from the freeway I-205

Nikon D90
1/500s f/6.3 at 220.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann02-Nov-2013 16:31
Wow, I just love that mountain Janis, fantastic.
Laura Milholland01-Nov-2013 19:48
So very nice!
Barry Ailetcher30-Oct-2013 17:32
wonderful image
Guest 30-Oct-2013 14:25
impressive view
Ray Dondzila 30-Oct-2013 00:41
Breathtaking view, Janis. Great capture!
Bea.29-Oct-2013 21:43
A most impressive mountain.
fotabug29-Oct-2013 18:46
Such a beautiful mountain. Nice shot
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