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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Oregon 2013 > to McMinville, maple
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to McMinville, maple

We've been having a month of dry, but foggy or cloudy weather. We went to OR to hopefully get some sun and then see the ocean. We did get one day of sun, but we stupidly left for the coast. The weather had been clear and warmer where we live in WA on the coast, but not here. So we headed back home and this is the west to east highway we were on.

Nikon D90
1/200s f/6.3 at 165.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Laura Milholland01-Nov-2013 19:47
Wonderful Fall colors.
Ruth Voorhis28-Oct-2013 11:44
Lovely colors here.
fotabug28-Oct-2013 11:34
Love this
Bea.28-Oct-2013 04:13
Fine and pretty tracery of the small twigs and leaves.
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